Well, this week was surprising!!
On Monday we played volley ball down
at a park near a beach and enjoyed the sunshine! then we went to teach a lesson
to a cute 9 yr old girl. We had forgotten the DVD player, and so we had to
change lesson plans (we had planned on showing a video) so we decided that
tonight was not the night to invite her to be baptized. but as we talked about
the gospel of Jesus Christ (Faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy
Ghost, and enduring to the end) she was like "aw, I want to be
baptized!" and we were like thinking 'shhhh....little girl, not yet!' and
we just said "that is such a good thing" then went on with the
lesson. Then she said it again, but this time louder "I want to be
baptized!" and we were thinking...well.... okay fine. I guess we really
should not fight this! so we set up a goal for her baptism day, and she and her
mom are so excited for it. Heavenly Father is preparing people everywhere to
take that step. and especially little children are so receptive to the spirit!
They feel it, and know that it is a good thing!
We went on exchanges this Wednesday!
Sister Uasila'a-vaha and I went down to Kona. We went to visit a girl , and she
wasn't home, but the two men who lived in the house beneath her were home. One
of them came up to us and was like "are you the mormons?". my heart
sank....I just didn't feel right about this guy. I said a silent prayer in my
head to know if I was just being judgmental and he really needed the gospel, or
if he really was a creep. I still just didn't feel good about it. I could tell
that my companion didn't either. The spirit was giving us the feeling that we
needed to leave, and that the intentions of these men were not good. The man
told us how he "wanted to learn about the mormon bible" and that he
was "so very interested". We told him about mormon.org, and
how he could learn more there. We went upstairs to try and see if L was home
and the guy went back into his house. We quickly and quietly stepped away and
had almost made it out of the yard when the two men rushed back out of their
house. They were like "wait, come back! I want to learn more!" we
told them that we had left a mormon.org card on their washer (washing machines
are common to find out side of people's
houses) but they didn't even listen as we told them. They both began to enthusiastically
invite us back. They we're beckoning and
kept saying "come on. come here." " they were becoming super
frantic. we just explained that we had to go and quickly left. It was so
uncomfortable. I am very grateful for the spirit, who warned us that this was
not a good situation. That was unmistakable. I am so thankful for Heavenly
Father's guidance in situations like these.
Take away thought for the day: Always be ready to listen to the
promptings the spirit gives you. He will never give us false information. He
always testifies of truth, and gives us direction and protection. And whenever
we have a decision that we just can't seem to make by ourselves, we can come up
with an answer, pray about it and see how we feel . The spirit will help us
know if it is right or wrong. Even if it's just a little thing- If it's
important to us, It matters to Heavenly Father and He will give us guidance.
He loves you! I love you! Church is
so important to teach us what we need to know! and don't forget about family
love, Sister Hodgson